Medway School of Pharmacy

Patient Monitoring in Practice

Gain an understanding of why tests are carried out and how correct interpretation is vital in terms of making the correct diagnosis and in monitoring both disease and drug therapy.


Patients often ask about tests that they have had or are likely to undergo. These include screening tests, such as cervical smears or mammograms, as well as diagnostic specific tests such as blood tests, X-rays and scans. This short course which is assessed in two different ways, each worth 5 academic credits, will help you to understand the purpose and rationale for testing and monitoring patients and will help you to explain the tests to patients and carers.


The course material starts with general principles relating to the interpretation of biochemical and haematological test results and then covers tests used in the following specific clinical areas:

  • Anticoagulation
  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • Endocrine
  • Gastrointestinal and genitourinary care.

For each of these disease areas the tests and how they are used in practice are clearly described, with illustrations when appropriate. The material is followed by some case studies to help you put your learning into practice. There are also short quizzes to test your learning in each topic area. All the learning can be done online. Once registered the materials can be opened and studied at your leisure. Useful references for further reading can be found at the end of each section.


The first 5 credits can be earned by successfully completing a multiple choice question examination online. For those who wish to go into the subject in greater depth, a second 5 credits can be achieved by completing and submitting three case studies. These case studies will need to demonstrate additional reading around the case study topics.


These two modules are options for the MSc Medicines Optimisation programme and can also be taken as part of the Associate Postgraduate Student programme (short course pathway).

How to apply

Apply for Patient Monitoring in Practice as two standalone 5-credit courses or as part of the MSc using the University of Greenwich online application form.

Short Courses: apply for Associate postgraduate student- school of pharmacy postgraduate credit

MSc Medicines Optimisation: apply Medicines Optimisation P13582


Fee information can be found here