Max Gilbert

2017 MPharm graduate


Pharmacy ended up being a bit of an accident for me. I didn’t study A-levels but did the International Baccalaureate. The first time I applied to university, I actually applied for medicine having never really considered any other options. I was 100% set on doing something strongly science based and something where I could help people, however I had no idea what specifically. At this stage I grabbed all the UCAS guides, books etc. that could point me in any direction and began trawling through them looking at courses. I found a bunch of really interesting courses in places that weren’t too vastly far from home (basically around the south of England).

When I drove down to Medway School of Pharmacy for my interview, I instantly loved the campus; small, pretty, contained, it was really easy to find your way around and it felt like a little self-contained town with Liberty and the Greenwich accommodation. I found the lecturers completely inspirational, I even enjoyed my interview. It was such a different vibe on campus and I really liked it. I accepted the offer the second it came through.

I was the secretary of the Free ride Society (an extreme sports society) and ran a snowboarding trip for students and a surf trip. I played lots of concerts here with the aid of the Music society. Whatever you want to do, come here and do it, get others involved and if there isn’t a niche yet for you – carve it out. If you come here to learn and have fun, you definitely will.

Last updated 11th August 2022